What does stability look and feel like for you, Pisces? Although your nature as a flowy Fish is to seek change, this month could find you a bit fixated on security. With structured Saturn in your sign for the past year, you’ve discovered the upside of being more grounded, committed and decisive. Since March 2023, success has come from sticking to one or two key priorities instead of scattering your energy in a million directions.
Saturn will be here for almost two more years, so you’ll keep strengthening your foundation one persistent step at a time. And this month, with a plethora of planets in Aries and your second house of security, money and self-worth, you’re extra motivated by the mantra “less is more.”
The Sun is in Aries and your second house of work, money and daily routines until April 19. After lots of new beginnings during Pisces/birthday season, April serves up some stability that allows you to hunker down and start building your ideas into something tangible. This methodical, one-day-at-a-time energy might make you stir-crazy at times, but it’s just the right speed for you as the month begins. Make your to-do lists, check things off systematically and focus on what’s right in front of you. Working toward your goals a little bit each day will lead to a big milestone.
If you’re worried about boredom, fear not, Pisces. April will feature plenty of plot twists, including Mercury retrograde, a total solar eclipse and a rare Jupiter-Uranus connection that happens every 14 years. Change will be a constant, and you won’t even have a chance to fall asleep at the wheel.
One good reason to stay vigilant? Mercury, the planet of communication, technology and travel, will back into a slippery retrograde from April 1 to 25. This tricky transit, which happens three times a year, can crash electronic devices, cause raging arguments and mess up even the best-laid plans. The silver lining? Mercury retrograde is also like a quarterly review period, giving you a chance to catch up on unfinished projects. Hold off on new undertakings if you can until May and clear out what’s already on your plate.
With Mercury retrograde in Aries this month, you’ll need to keep an eye on your finances and simplify your day-to-day routines. Triple-check those bank statements and watch your spending. A forgotten expense could catch you off-guard. You might want to comb through your budget and bank statements for errors or costs you can trim. Your productivity could lead to profits soon enough!
On April 8, the year’s only Aries new moon arrives as a total solar eclipse. At this supercharged supermoon, the skies will feature SIX cosmic placements in Aries: the Sun, moon, Mercury (retrograde), Venus, the north node and healer-feeler Chiron. We’ve nicknamed this event the Chironeclipse since Chiron is in a tight conjunction with the Sun and moon.
A major change to your finances—hopefully in the form of a bright new beginning—could be on its way to you! This is the second of spring’s two eclipses that are revolutionizing your financial axis. On March 25, the Libra lunar (full moon) eclipse flooded your eighth house of investments, intimacy and joint ventures. It was impossible to ignore your closest alliances (both personal and fiscal) and the dynamics between you and everyone else.
The April 8 eclipse is more focused on your day-to-day income and habits. How might you shift your lifestyle to help you become wealthier—not just in your bank account but in personal satisfaction? This eclipse is here to awaken you to ideas that are far outside the scope of your usual thinking. Keep an open mind to all of them!
The key with eclipses: Expect (and embrace) the unexpected. This one could bring a new job or moneymaking opportunity out of the blue, even if you weren’t looking. Or you might be inspired to start a new routine, whether that’s a spring fitness program, a DIY business project or a lifestyle overhaul. Identify your top priorities, particularly things you’d like to laser in on before October 17 Aries full moon. Break down the steps you’ll need to take between now and then to reach your destination. A cleanup of your budget and calendar can also give a sense of relief and alignment.
With analytical Mercury and healing Chiron traveling alongside the solar eclipse, you’ll increase your success by tracking goals and connecting them to a sense of purpose. How can you make your spending work even harder for both you AND the world?
Shop sustainable brands or buy from vendors who give a portion of proceeds to help refugees, wildlife or girls’ education in developing nations. Spearhead a fundraiser or volunteer drive at work. As a Pisces, you’re the zodiac’s empath. Knowing that your hard work makes a difference for others is fulfilling and motivating.
A flurry of social activity starts on April 19, when the Sun enters Taurus and activates your third house of communication, community and ideas. You’ve been working so hard, and now it’s time to mix it up a little. For the next four weeks, your multitasking skills will serve you well. Although you’ll have to navigate Mercury retrograde for the first few days of Taurus season, that won’t stop you from coming up with some brilliant thoughts and words.
Just wait a little bit before you share too many of them—if you possibly can. On April 20, a rare and momentous conjunction of outspoken Jupiter and trailblazer Uranus sweeps through Taurus, making it almost impossible to hold your tongue. These two freedom-loving planets only meet up every 14 years, and their last time connecting in Taurus was May 1941. Be ready to capture the lightning-bolt epiphanies that could arrive today. And keep your devices charged: You could receive a DM or exciting news from afar.
Your gift of gab makes you a popular friend and collaborator—and given your mental sharpness, you should ace any important pitch meetings. Dig into a writing or multimedia project, especially if you have a message you want to share with the world. The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction will give you an amazing platform. Friends or other kindred spirits could open doors, so don’t be afraid to make a big, bold ask today. Since the third house rules local issues, you may want to get more involved in neighborhood activities, socializing and meeting new people.
Look no further than you own circles for grassroots support and word-of-mouth referrals about your exciting and creative projects. Need help spreading the word? Sometimes all there is to do is just…ask.
One day to escape city limits arrives on April 23, when the year’s only Scorpio full moon illuminates your ninth house of travel, learning and expansion. Take a risk and blast way out of the confines of your comfort zone, Pisces! Exciting news could arrive from afar. Or you might receive an invitation to journey beyond home base into new terrain.
With this insightful moon in your truth-telling ninth house, you may have an important air-clearing conversation where nothing is held back. Whew! While it might be a lot to take in at first, ultimately, this will set the stage for a more authentic relationship going forward.
Just take all the Mercury-retrograde precautions since the cosmic communicator IS still retrograde for another couple days, until April 25. Make sure you have a willing audience if you’re going to uncork the truth serum—and that you’ve got the bandwidth to be extra patient and diplomatic. If you’re booking travel, wait a couple more days or splurge for the travel insurance and refundable ticket if there’s a too-good-to-miss fare. A deal is only a deal if the fine print checks out. Read every disclaimer before you leap!
Feel the heat! Until April 30, sexy Mars is blazing through Pisces, giving you a burst of confidence and charisma. Spring fever’s got nothing on you, and with minimal effort, you could turn heads wherever you go. And for the first four days of the month, romantic Venus is also in Pisces, making you nobody’s April fool.
With feisty Mars in your independent first house, however, you’re not really looking to get locked into anything too confining. But the other love planet, Venus, has a different agenda. From April 5 to 29, vixen Venus is in Aries and your security-seeking, sensual second house. You could be pulled in dueling directions this month, wanting both consistency and the excitement of new experiences.
A healthy mix of novelty and stability might be your secret formula. And luckily, a total solar eclipse in Aries this April 8 might demonstrate how commitment can actually set you free. Sound like a paradox? Well, it kind of is. But if you think about it, when you say “yes” to something, it frees up all the mental space that waffling and indecision consume. So you actually gain MORE space to create something special with a person worthy of your time and partnership. Who knows what magic you can make when you merge your superpowers, Fish?
So. Much. Happening! The Sun is in Aries and your prosperous, productive second house through April 19, inspiring you to buckle down and make steady progress. The April 8 Aries total solar eclipse super-activates your financial sector, which could bring a new client or revenue opportunity out of the blue.
This would normally be a great times to start new projects, pitch clients and reap the rewards of your labor. However, with communication and technology planet Mercury retrograde (backward) from April 1 to 25, you’ll need to keep a keen eye on your budget. Expenses can add up and little costs can slip by unnoticed. Mercury’s mayhem can also disrupt your focus, making it hard to get everything done that you want to. Don’t overdo it, Pisces.
The saving grace comes from go-getter Mars,w the planet of drive and motivation. In Pisces until April 30, Mars gives you a month of premium fuel in your tank for trying new things and self-promotion. If you’re a Pisces who has an easily-rattled sense of confidence, fear not: Mars will give you that extra shot of courage to bolt past your fears and take a chance, one that could pay off in the spring and summer!
Love Days: 14, 19
Money Days: 26, 8
Luck Days: 23, 6
Off Days: 15, 21