A new capability being prepared by WhatsApp will allow users to generate profile photos through AI. This upcoming characteristic will help individuals create profile images using artificial intelligence. An upcoming feature is AI is coming soon, that is allowing you to choose a photo created by it in your profile pictures app on your phone also known as android beta version from WhatsApp.
This new feature will serve as an alternative to using personal photos as profile pictures, thereby improving privacy features. Users will be able to access the AI-generated profile picture option through the profile settings menu, which is akin to the current Avatar feature. It is anticipated that this feature will offer a wide range of customization options that resemble sticker-like images.
Instead of using individual images as profile pictures, a fresh update will act as a substitute for personal photos. As a result, the privacy of all, including such pictures, will be significantly boosted. A user will access the AI-generated profile picture option through the profile settings menu, thus almost similar in ways to the existing Avatar feature on our platform. We expect that this feature will provide myriad ways through which you can customize it, just like stickers would look like in shape.