Maps have chosen agents whose abilities complement the map’s inherent traits. Pearl, with the aesthetics of an underwater city, is no different; the narrow corridors and varying sightlines offer opportunities and challenges, both of which require the correct agent selection to be maximized. This article will take care of the list of the five best agents to play on Pearl to give maximum value to the layout.
1. Astra (Controller)
Astra is a powerhouse on Pearl, and her flexible toolset is another reason why she is seen as the best possible choice in-game flow control. Being a controller, Astra’s abilities cement or alter the tempo for match proceedings. Her Cosmic Divide fan is worth its weight in gold taken in this respect; it creates a huge wall that denies vision, allowing players to push or retake sites with ease. Pearl provides an extra layer to this ability, allowing for strategic division of the map, making the execution of site takes and holding post-plant positions that much easier for the team. Her Nebula smokes and Gravity Well are also used to deny enemy vision or zone out critical places such as B Halls or A Main.
2. Yoru (Duelist)
Yoru is Pearl’s ultimate flexible duelist; when that flexibility is needed, he thrives on this map. His Gatecrash ability will teleport him to major places like the B Halls or A Main and probably make enemies wonder where he suddenly popped up from. Yoru can also use his Blindside to flash the opponents in choke points so he can take safer control over the site. On the other hand, he can be really effective when paired up with an initiator or support that has flash or stun abilities, leaving less time for enemies to predict where he pops up from.
3. Jett (Duelist)
Jett is one of the top duelists for Pearl simply because of her mobility. A fast-paced duelist who zips across B Ramp and A Main with her Tailwind to catch opponents off guard, she can also jump up Generator and other key elevated areas thanks to the high ground mobility offered by Updraft. Jett’s smokes can obliterate critical sightlines denying enemies vision, and in a pinch, her Tailwind allows for quick escapes from danger or repositioning. In capable hands, her Ultimate makes her a deadly force with high-speed movement combined with lethal accuracy.
4. Gekko (Initiator)
When it comes to Pearl, Gekko acts as a secondary initiator. His ability, Wingman, can turn the tide of a battle, especially in this case post-plant. Gekko could send the Wingman to either plant or defuse the spike while simultaneously providing major cover fire for the team. The Mosh Pit could also come in handy when clearing angles frequently occupied on Pearl such as B Screen or A Dugout, thereby denying any potential hiding spot to the enemies. Information gathering, area control, and providing utility make Gekko a major asset whether attacking or defending in Pearl.
5. Killjoy (Sentinel)
Killjoy is by far one of the strongest sentinels on Pearl, able to provide site control and utility unparalleled by others. Early intel can be gathered by the turret especially aimed at areas like Mid or Art, and reveal the position of the opponents. On top of that, Nanoswarm grenades can even prevent enemies from pushing post-plant or force them into confining positions. Killjoys really control Pearl, so your team can hold sites safely.
Pearl needs agents to control tight areas, check the sightlines and provide offensive-defensive utility. Gekko, and Killjoy are listed among the top agents to play on this map, with each agent having its own strong approach toward winning. Having good experience with these agents would help not only in technicalities but also would further enhance your reading of the map and decision-making during crunch time.