Cate Blanchett has been championing sustainable fashion for as long as one can remember. The actor, who is known to repurpose her looks at red carpets recently added one to the list. Like many of her recent looks, Blanchett embraced power dressing in a dapper suit at the “LOTR: The War of the Rohirrim” world premiere this week in London. However, it appears to be similar to a plunging black Louis Vuitton top that she wore under the suit five days ago at Vogue’s event. Both these looks closely resembled each other not only in the outfit but also in the choice of accessories.
Cate Blanchett is one of the few who can effortlessly pull off business chic. The actor is regarded as Hollywood’s Queen of re-wears and has proven herself worthy of the title once again. During her appearance at the “LOTR: The War of the Rohirrim” premiere, eagle-eyed fashion enthusiasts noted that she had repurposed her plunging black Louis Vuitton top that she wore not many days ago. Blanchett wore the top at Vogue’s “Inventing the Runway” fashion show on November 28.
While Cate Blanchett did not repeat the full outfit, both looks featured similar elements that aided the close resemblance. While she wore tweed suits both times, the “LOTR” premiere outfit differentiated itself with its slightly oversized tailoring, darker color, and a more simplistic pattern. Meanwhile, she paired the double-breasted suit with matching pants that featured a stylish flare at the bottom. Other noticeable similarities in both ensembles were the two layers of gold necklaces and black pointed-toe heels.
Cate Blanchett’s longtime stylist assembled her look for the London world premiere. Hairstylist Sam McKnight kept her blonde bob hair open and loose with a side part. Meanwhile, makeup artist Mary Greenwell gave the actor a more natural glam. These included generous blush and contour that accentuated her cheekbones and a pink lip. Albeit being a reinvented look, Blanchett managed to capture significant attention on the red carpet with her star persona and grace.
Cate Blachett’s relentless pursuit of re-wearing and sustainable fashion is one of the many reasons she is one of the most consequential figures in the fashion industry.