FragPunkfeatures 169 Shard Cards at launch. With so many cards to choose from, it can be overwhelming which cards to unlock first. That’s why we’ve shortlisted the fivebestFragPunk Shard Cards that must unlock right away!
FragPunk Shard Cards are a core feature that makes the game different from every other FPS out there. Both teams pick and choose these Shard Cards at the start of each round. These cards change the game in unique ways ensuring no two rounds play out the same way.
These Shard Cards can only be unlocked by playing the game. Unlocking 169 cards can take some time so it’s crucial to make the right choices in selecting your first few cards. Having said that, let’s take a look at the 5 best FragPunk Shard Cards that should be your top priority
Description: “Tear off your health bar, swapping health with your target Lancer.”
Hud Remix can save you from imminent death by swapping your health bar with your enemies. With the potential to completely flip the tides of a game, this card is one of the most powerful Shard Card in Frag Punk
Description: “Deathrattle: Teammates can be revived once.”
Life Saver lets you revive teammates in a round after they are dead. FragPunk’s game modes are all round based, meaning once you die, you die for the entire round. This is why this card can be game changing as your entire team essentially gets a free life which can easily overpower the enemy team.
Description: “A Reaper appears behind injured enemies, slashing anyone in range.”
Death’s Embrace spawns a Reaper behind an injured enemy and throws down an execution zone. This in turn deals 75 damage to the enemy. This is essentially a free kill card despite being one of the cheapest.
Description: After 1 minute, disable all target sites. Converters can no longer be planted.”
Tick Tock puts immense pressure on the enemy team by essentially giving them a one minute countdown to plant the converter. This can lead to mistakes from the enemy team and if they fail to plant in this time period, you win.
Description: “All players can travel between two worlds; players in each world are invisible to each other.”
Dimension Travel can teleport anyone to an alternate world where your team can jump on a secluded enemy player. This can also be used for a quick escape inorder to plant. Very situational and powerful when used in proper coordination with the team.
Those were the best FragPunk Shard Cards for you to unlock first in the game. If you wanna know about the abilities and skills of all the lancers in FragPunk, check out Every FragPunk Lancer explained: All abilities and skills, how to play, and more.